A major issue between parents on the breakdown of many relationships can be about the arrangements regarding their children, particularly:
- with which parent the children will live; and
- the amount of time and under what circumstances the children will spend time with the other parent.
Are you concerned about whether the current arrangements regarding your children, or your former partner’s proposal for arrangements regarding the children, are in their best interests? Or are you having difficulty communicating with your former partner about these issues? We are able to assist our clients in finding ways to reach a sensible agreement about parenting arrangements. We can also help in preparing the necessary documents to formalise that agreement. In some circumstances, parents can keep their arrangements informal. Whether it is more appropriate for you have formal or informal arrangements will depend on your individual circumstances.
If my partner and I are can’t reach an arrangement, what do we do then?
If an agreement is unable to be reached, we are able to give you advice about whether to resolve the issues by out-of court methods like mediation or negotiations on your behalf, or in commencing Court proceedings.