Making or updating your Will
It is important to have an up-to-date valid Will so that you can nominate who you would like to be responsible for managing your assets and carrying out your wishes in the (‘the executor’) and so that you can decide who you wish to receive your assets after your death (‘the beneficiaries’).
If you die without a Will, it can be extremely difficult for your loved ones to efficiency access your assets and at a time that they likely need them the most, further, your estate will be distributed in accordance with the intestacy legislation which is a system based on who your closest relatives are. That fixed system is more costly, and causes more delay than having a proper Will in the first place. The process is much simpler and easier for your family if you have a valid Will prior to your passing.
You should also consider reviewing and/or updating your Will at regular intervals throughout your life, including, but not limited to the following:
- marriage, separation or divorce;
- the death of the executor or a beneficiary; and
- the birth of a child.

I am the executor of a deceased estate. What do I do now?
If you have been appointed as the executor of a Will, we can also assist you with going about all the things you need to do to properly administer the estate. We can advise you as to whether or not a grant of Probate of the Will is necessary, and to assist you in completion of the paperwork required for you to fulfil your duties
What if there is no Will?
If a close relative has died without a Will then it may be necessary to apply to the Supreme Court to get permission to deal with that person’s Estate and distribute it according to law. This can be a complicated area of the law but we have the skill and experience to advise and guide you.